Sleeping on the go
With the www you can now easily check where to stop along the way, what it costs and whether it is reliable. We know that many people use OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) because it is "easy". As operators, we are against it on principle and for this reason: their commissions are often higher than the taxes we pay to the state, and not only that.
If you do use them, please contact the operators immediately too. In most cases you will pay a little less and the operator will benefit more...
Simple calculation: the asking price for 1 night is €100. The OTA asks for a 15% (usually more, up to even 30%) commission, leaving €85 for the operator... Book directly and the operator will usually charge less, let's say €90: the operator has more left, you pay less...

Hotel dei Laghi

Bolzano (Cardano)

Antica Corte Milanese
Novate Milanese

Atmosfera di Stagione

La Locanda Dell'Oca Bianca
Early booking discount* -10% on all reservations, -15% for reservations from 2 weeks!
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