Getting here by car
One of the most common ways to get here is by car.
Nowadays you can easily get here with the various navigators without us having to provide much information. However, you never know, so read the information below before you leave for La Vallata!
Are you flying to La Vallata? Visit the following link!
We recommend the WAZE app! It will take you to our doorstep.
Search the app for "La Vallata Fratticiola" and click"Agriturismo and B&B La Vallata Holiday Farm".
Tip: You won't have internet access all the time and everywhere and Waze does not provide map downloading. However, there is a trick to doing that. Find the destination as described above - let Waze calculate the route - turn off your internet. Now you can use the route without internet!
Download Waze:
Google Maps is also a valid alternative to drive to La Vallata. Also Google Maps guides to the front of our door.
Tip: Download Google Maps so you don't necessarily need internet on the go:
Open the app
- Click on your profile photo (top right)
- Click on "offline maps"
- Select "own maps"
- Move the rectangle on the zone you want to download
- Click on "download"
Download Google Maps:
Tips to get to us without any problems
From the SOUTH:
On the E45 use the exit BOSCO. Go left PICCIONE-Fratticiola Selvatica (Gubbio). Once arrived in PICCIONE turn right at the roundabout direction FRATTICIOLA SELVATICA. After more or less 500 meters turn left toFRATTICIOLA SELVATICA.
From the NORTH (however, we recommend that you also follow the indications from the North “from the South, a little longer but easier):
On the E45 use the exit PONTE PATTOLI. At the end of the exit, turn right towards CASA DEL DIAVOLO. In CASA DEL DIAVOLO go right towards RAMAZZANO, after more or less 1,2km turn left towards
FRATTICIOLA SELVATICA. Back on a large road turn right, after 400m turn left (PICCIONE). Arrived in PICCIONE straight ahead at the roundabout direction FRATTICIOLA SELVATICA. After more or less 500 meters turn left toFRATTICIOLA SELVATICA.
Instellingen voor de navigator:
Please note: Fratticiola Selvatica does not appear on many car navigator CDs! Choose the settings below to determine the correct position! It is better to set the navigator to BOSCO (Perugia) or PICCIONE (Perugia) first and from there follow the signs to Fratticiola S.Also make sure that your navigator is NOT set to SHORTEST ROAD but rather to FASTEST ROAD, otherwise you will sometimes be sent along small, bad, unpaved roads…
AVOID THE VILLAGE OF MONTEVERDE AT ANY TIME during your stay here. It is the shortest route, but you will be sent over very bad unpaved roads!
Latitude: 43.18878222141523 – Longitude: 12.557802200317383
Once you've arrived in the village of Fratticiola Selvatica, you can use the pictures below to find us more easily.

Entering FRATTICIOLA SELVATICA just passed minimarkt EMI and the Bar Mami
komende van PICCIONE vindt u dit Mariabeeld op het kleine dorpsplein (voorbij de nieuwe supermarkt, EMI en het café op de hoek). Volg de weg in de richting van de pijl.

After about 400 meters you will see this building on your right.

attached to this building you'll see a small church
(chapel), turn right in the direction of the arrow.

Do you see this sign? Then you're almost there! Just 600 meters to go straight ahead! Welcome to La Vallata!
During the months of July and August no breakfast is provided, but we do bake fresh "home baked" bread every morning and, depending on the day, breakfast cakes, waffles, pancakes, cake and "crostata" (jam cake) to order. In the village, barely 1 km away, you will also find an excellently equipped mini-supermarket with butcher's shop and fresh bread every morning (if you don't like ours), and 2 bars.
Early booking discount* -10% on all reservations, -15% for reservations from 2 weeks!
Check below for other promotions:
*(**)prices and content may vary due to economic fluctuations or other influences beyond our control. Price quotes confirmed by us via email remain unchanged!